The culture of gift

It is commonly known the importance of gifts in China's ancient culture. Give a gift to someone else is a sign of courtesy and good manners. This, initially, it was only in the private sphere, but like many other customs, was also extended to the business. In fact, many foreign companies take advantage of this “Gift Culture” to try to introduce their products into the Chinese market, especially food products and beverages.

If delivery is made of a gift, must be done with discretion. The Chinese tend to reject the gift in the first instance and may even reject up to three times. It should be emphasized, since this is a courtesy and finally come to accept. To deliver gifts should be done with both hands, they will receive it the same way and most common is that they do not open at the time, because that is how tradition dictates. Anyway, sometimes yes that opened in the presence of him who gives, but this is only as a courtesy to a Westerner because they know that our custom is open immediately.

Besides customs, in China is given much importance to superstitions, Many of these relate to the pronunciation and double meanings that can be searched words. A harmless word but has a similar pronunciation, eg “death” It can be a sign of bad omen. At the time of giving, therefore it is important to know these superstitions, not going to be that any gift to a friend's “death”.

A simple example is to give an alarm, nothing convenient since “Zhong” (Bell) Wake in Chinese, sounds a lot like “zhong” (End) which literally means death.

Something similar happens with “san” (Umbrella) umbrella. There is a Chinese word that also is pronounced the same, “san” (Scatter) and means: separation, loosen, aflojarse. It is therefore not seen with good eyes if you give her an umbrella to your partner.

Spread a pear with friends. It is difficult to find out what is wrong with a pear distribute among your friends but everything is explained. “Fenli” (Points pears) literally “repartir money”, it can be confused with “Fenli” (Separate) separation means. Spread a pear can indicate that you want to separate you from your friends. So if you eat pears, should be eaten selfishly and without being divided.

Nor is it appropriate to give green hats, and to wear a green hat means that your partner is cheating.

When you go to make a formal gift, choose a Spanish product; a wine, oil, sweet ... can be a good resource that will be well accepted and appreciated, but on closer environment and confidence can also opt for something more simple and sure to be successful; eg a basket of assorted fruit. This is something simple but shows affection, proximity and known and practiced Chinese customs.

María Mary


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