Do I have to speak Chinese or English for Business in China?

Do we know the Chinese language and / or English to do business in China?

It is not necessary, This is one of the advantages of working with China Management.

We do not just put interpreters capable of translating Chinese into English or Spanish but are also able to convey the nuances of each sentence and adapting it to a Western language with all "subtext" that can lead and make it perfectly understandable.

Contracts are usually written in English and here China Gestion brings many years experience in drafting contracts and future interpretations that could lead, ie no need that our customers know Spanish Chinese, and even do not need to speak English as our translation service can also help in this respect.

The language need not be a limitation in establishing business in China. The important thing is knowing surround the technical and human resources that will provide the necessary resources and expertise. You'll save time and money on its projects in China.

Contact Us, We will be happy to help you get your business in China a success.


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