Education EXPO – Public University of Navarra

Public University of Navarra is an important customer of China Management, her working in cooperation with various Chinese universities for the exchange of undergraduate and master.

Last days 20 and 21 October was held in Beijing Education Expo at the China World Exhibition Hall, in which the Public University of Navarra has participated for the third year, China Hand Management. Spain participates annually at the fair with a full hall that compose: el ICEX, Instituto Cervantes, various Spanish universities and language centers. The aim of the fair is to promote closer ties between universities and educational institutions, international and Chinese, and give Chinese students the option of pursuing higher studies abroad. So, this fair proves to be an ideal place to show China the possibilities and advantages of studying at a university like the University of Navarra Public moment.

On the occasion of this international fair, China moved to a delegation of college and took advantage to organize a series of meetings with several Chinese universities. Some of them already have cooperation agreements and others have made initial contacts. Both meetings in different universities, as those they could do during the fair, They turned out to be very interesting meetings, rewarding and satisfying.

In addition to all this, I was able to participate and be present at these meetings and during the fair at the stand, and personally it was interesting and instructive.



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