Numbers in China

The numbers in China are loaded with symbolism, and for this reason it is sometimes easy to understand certain things that are directly related to daily life and customs.

Number 1 for example, There are two ways to call. One is “Yao” whose sound is equal to the word wanting.

Another example is 4. This is the unlucky number in China and as simple as they sound reason to say it is similar to saying death. Everything that is related to this issue is frowned upon, Chinese so try to have the fewest possible in life four.

When you have a new mobile phone, You can choose the number from a list. Phone numbers containing 4 They are cheaper than the rest, these unloved. The same happens when registering a car. In buildings such, is common that they do not have floor 4 the 14. Nor are they overlooked that the jumper fences Chinese, Liu Xiang, idol of many, and that during the Olympic Games. London just got to jump the first fence, will allocate the street 4 and thus take this number as stuck dorsal.

Another number that game is the 5, This sounds like the word I, so the 5 and 1 can already be making sentences that are concealed by numbers.

The lucky number in China, the students like, is the 8. The sound of this issue is similar to the word riqueza.Totalmente unlike as with the 4, the more amount of eights have in one's life, better. The phone with this number are more expensive and more requested. The same fees and anything else that contains numbers.

Last, the 9, This has a similar sound to the word longevo. So, the doors of all the important buildings in China have nine nine tacks, giving longevity to temple, family, or to the institution of the door step.

With all these numbers and symbols, it is not uncommon therefore sometimes substituting numbers appear slogans or phrases. Also, for example, 518 would be “I want riches”. Or the date 18 August is a day chosen to marry, 8-18 “wealth, want wealth”.

Numbers are important in any culture, especially to communicate, to buy, to count, to tell ... so the Chinese to facilitate this communication have a way of representing numbers with hands, that always accompanies the voice, which is not lifting a finger just go over. Below is a chart to show these gestures.

Last, respect to numbers, There are different ways to write. It is quite common to be written in Arabic numerals, but there is also normal Chinese writing and financial, the latter is what is written on the bills and is used in banks. His writing is more complicated, since it contains more lines than normal.


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