The weather in Beijing

This month I've been living in Beijing, I have experienced different feelings about while doing here during the summer.

Roughly, It said Beijing summers are hot, reaching 32-35 ° C but with a wind chill of a couple of degrees more. July and August are the wettest months also, those who are joined storms, because of the summer monsoon and the remains of typhoons arriving Southeast China.

The first days were very hot in Beijing and has been throughout the month of July. Although it was raining intermittently, which according to several Spanish expatriates it was unusual, in fact, I was told that this was still the worst week for many months. After time improved, at least it stopped raining, but only to make way for very hot days and foggy, although more than fog, It is said to be pure atmospheric pollution. There have also been very clear sunny days, where they proliferate all kinds of umbrellas for sun, since its rays are extremely scorching. The sun offers incredible sunsets; orange skies, soft and warm breeze, that give rise to a “summer night” In all rules.

Alternating days like these, suddenly came the day of floods. Saturday 21 July dawned cloudy and was on 10 in the morning when it started to rain. No one expected what would happen later; 15 hours of heavy rain that caused severe flooding in the city and left 77 died in Beijing. Sunday dawned clear and bright day especially and there was no trace of the previous day's massive floods.

Since then, weather forecast does not give “Standing with ball” and when they announce storms, we have sunny days and clear weather forecast, we have tremendous storms.

At this point I'm waiting for that desired fall, which it is said to be the best time to visit Beijing; clear skies and cool temperatures. I have also wanted Winter, where they say temperatures -20 ° C and dry weather are achieved, but it is very “nice”. At that time they are launched the heating of the entire city running at 100%. I hear, this is borne by the government and not skimp on warmth to homes.



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