New partner: María Mary

I'll start writing in the blog introducing myself. My name is Maria Conde, en chino Mary (Mali). I was born in the mid 80 in San Sebastian. I am entitled in Agricultural Engineering from UPNA and LL.M. in International Trade ...

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About Xiaodi. Responsible for education and trading

Chi Xiaodi is our responsibility for education and trading. Expert in customer acquisition and product localization. English and Mandarin.

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Zhu Beilan. Director in Beijing Office

Zhu Beilan, is our principal office in Beijing. Project Manager, goods and technology transfer. Spanish, English and Mandarin.

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Business Culture in China – "Guanxi"

With the intention of keeping our active blog, We will be adding new entries about China, that we believe may be of general interest. In this way, we echo an article by Antonio Hernando Mesa, in which he explains the meaning ...

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First contacts between the UPNA and Jiaoda Peking University.

Today, Continuing with the program expasión UPNA in China have established, through CHINA MANAGEMENT, the first Jiaoda relations with Peking University. Jiaoda is undoubtedly one of the most famous universities ...

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Five important tips for doing business in China.

Due to globalization and the development of China and other countries Related, every day there are more opportunities to do business with China. However, remoteness, culture and ancient traditions of this country, They are very different ...

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With this post CHINA MANAGEMENT opens its Blog, where we hope to be able to inform promptly of all the projects we manage as well as provide advice of interest to anyone who wishes to enter the world of business with China.

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We are pleased to include a renewed Portfolio images which show some of the projects MANAGEMENT China has been and is involved. "Our work in pictures"

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CHINA GESTION. Who are we and what do we offer.

D. Luis Hernandez, Chairman and shareholder CHINA MANAGEMENT, It presents in a brief audiovisual document its analysis of the Chinese market, Also making a small assessment of the services our company offers. "We believe that, face al Challenge ...

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Closely with the Development team of Web and Social Media CHINA MANAGEMENT launches new website. "Most modern, interactive and comprehensive. Perfectly reflects the spirit of CHINA MANAGEMENT." With a useful vocation and a commitment ...

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