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Comenzando el año

Starting the year

After a long hiatus in publications from our blog, we return posts new year. First of all, Management from China, we want to wish all our visitors a wonderful year 2013, We hope that despite the difficulties, Be a...

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EXPO de Educación – Universidad Pública de Navarra

Education EXPO – Public University of Navarra

Public University of Navarra is an important customer of China Management, her working in cooperation with various Chinese universities for the exchange of undergraduate and master. Last days 20 and 21 October is ...

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La cultura del regalo

The culture of gift

It is commonly known the importance of gifts in China's ancient culture. Give a gift to someone else is a sign of courtesy and good manners. This, initially, it was only in the private sphere,...

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Acercando las universidades españolas a China

Bringing the Spanish universities to China

Last week was held at the Cervantes Institute in Beijing a talk on Spanish universities and student visa for Spain. China Management being representative of some Spanish universities, including the Public University of Navarra, where I studied,...

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Los números en China

Numbers in China

The numbers in China are loaded with symbolism, and for this reason it is sometimes easy to understand certain things that are directly related to daily life and customs. Number 1 for example, There are two ways to call ....

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Instituciones españolas en Pekín

Spanish institutions in Beijing

After this August absent (only blog) This week begins a new course. For me, start making small collaborations and procedures necessary for the development of projects carried out ChinaGestion. During...

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El tiempo en Pekín

The weather in Beijing

This month I've been living in Beijing, I have experienced different feelings about while doing here during the summer. Roughly, It said Beijing summers are hot, reaching 32-35 ° C but with ...

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Moverse por Beijing

Getting around Beijing

Despite the grandeur of the city of Beijing, and I am one of their more than 15 millions of inhabitants. The municipality of Beijing has an area of 16.800 km2, like all Belgium. Is not...

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